National Health Mission J&K
National Health Mission, J&K
Applications are being sought from suitable candidates for contractual hiring of services under the National Health Mission, J&K, for the following roles in light of the increase to the eligibility conditions for particular categories.
The applicants who have already submitted applications for the positions of Clinical Psychologist/Psychiatric Social Worker (for IMHANS), Technical Coordinator/Project Coordinator (for IMHANS), Programme Officer/Psychiatrist (for NMHP/DMHP), Clinical Psychologist (for NMHP/DMHP), and Psychiatric Social Worker (for NMHP/DMHP) in response to this office’s advertisement notice No. SHS/NHM/J&K/HR/1076 Dated: 06/09/2022
The Applicant need not submit a new application; instead, the eligibility and age of these people will be assessed using the data they supplied in the initial application.
Only new applications are requested for the position of Counsellor Tele-MANAS Cell IMHANS, nevertheless.

National Health Mission, J&K Submission Details
The Mission Director, NHM, J&K, Old Secretariat, Srinagar (Kashmir Division), or the Regional Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Nagrota, Jammu (Jammu Division), must receive applicants’ completed application forms by April 28, 2023.
Rules & Regulations:-
- Candidates from all UT districts are eligible for UT level positions at IMHANS, Srinagar, and State Health Society, J&K, and selection would be based on UT level merit.
- District merit will be used to choose candidates for District Level positions. If a qualified applicant from the local district is not available, Divisional Merit will be taken into account for (Programme Officer/Psychiatrist) (NMHP/DMHP).
- The hiring process will only involve contracts; the first contract will last until the end of the financial year in which the candidate is chosen, and any subsequent yearly extensions will only be granted if the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, approves the position.
- Application form will be available on the official website which is the only
and authentic source of information with respect to National Health Mission, J&K. - This office shall not be responsible for inconvenience caused to anybody due to misleading/
false information made available by any other source/website(s) purportedly claiming to be
associated with NHM, J&K, in any manner whatsoever. - The last date of submission of application forms is Click here for detailed Notification and no application
would be entertained after the above mentioned date (neither in person nor by post). - List of documents to be enclosed with the application form:
i. Date of Birth Certificate.
ii. Degree certificate of requisite Qualification.
iii. Marks sheet of all years/one consolidated marks sheet indicating marks of all the
years of the required qualification for the post applied for.
iv. Copy of Registration Certificate issued by the Medical Council of India/ J&K State
Medical Council in case of Medical Graduates.
v. Domicile Certificate. - Applications not falling in the prescribed criteria or without aforesaid documents shall be
rejected out rightly. - Number of vacancies is only indicative and may increase or decrease.
- Date of examination and mode of selection shall be notified separately, candidates are
advised to keep themselves updated through the website. No individual communication to
the candidates shall be made in this regard.