JKSSB Female Supervisor 2024 Social Welfare Syllabus, Download full Pdf
The Female Supervisor Social Welfare exam is recruited by the Jammu and Kashmir Services Selection Board (JKSSB) in order to fill positions for female supervisors in the state. The purpose of the exam is to choose qualified applicants for the position of accounts assistant in the government of Jammu and Kashmir’s various departments.
Female Supervisor Social Welfare SYLLABUS
In a notice dated 7 January 2024, JKSSB announced the detailed syllabus topics as per Annexure A. This is in continuation of the advertisement notification no. 02/2023 published on 8 December 2023, Time 120 Minutes & Marks 120.

S.No. | Subjects/Topic | Marks Assigned |
1 | General Awareness with special Reference of UT of J&K | 20 |
2 | General English & Comprehension | 10 |
3 | General Intelligence & Reasoning | 10 |
4 | General Science | 10 |
5 | Computer (Application Based) | 10 |
6 | Specialization | 60 |
1. General Awareness with special Reference of UT of J&K Marks – 20
- Current Events of National Importance.
- Indian History, Culture, Heritage and freedom Struggle/Movement.
- Indian Constitution- Basic Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties, Directive principles and State policy.
- Political & Physical divisions of India.
- Demography – Census, its feature and functions.
- Weather, Climate, Crops, Means of Transport of India.
- Environment, Ecology & Bio-diversity.
- J&K UT: History, Geography, Economy, Heritage & Culture, J&K Reorganization Act,2019
2. General English & Comprehension Marks – 10
- Tenses.
- Rearranging of Jumbled sentences.
- Narration.
- Modals/ Articles.
- Clauses.
- Synonyms & antonyms.
- Pairs of words and their use in meaningful sentences.
- Idioms and Phrases.
- Uses of Prepositions.
- Active & Passive Voice.
3. General Intelligence & Reasoning Marks – 10
- A, Basic Arthmetics:
- Number System.
- Percentage.
- Average.
- Profit & Loss.
- Ratio & Proportion.
- Time & Work.
- B Reasoning:
- Number Series.
- Letter Series.
- Coding decoding.
- Direction sense.
- Blood Relations
- Mathematical reasoning.
- Speed, Distance and Time.
- Statements and conclusions.
4. General Science Marks – 10
- Various sources of energy.
- Nutrition and its types, respiration, Transportation of water, food and minerals in plants.
- Communicable & Non- Communicable Diseases.
- Vitamins- Diseases related to vitamin deficiency.
- Ecosystem – Its components, Food chains and Food webs.
- Environmental Pollution. Ozone layer, its depletion, Green House Effect.
- Vaccines and Immunization.
4. Computer (Application Based) Marks – 10
- Basic Applications of Computer and its components.
- Fundamentals of Computer sciences.
- Input & output devices.
- Knowledge of MS Word, Ms Excel. MS Access, MS Power Point, PDF Internet an E-mail.
- Concept of Computer Virus and Anti-virus.
- Hardware and Software, Elements of Computers processing system Hardware, CPU, Peripherals, Storage Media, Software definition, Role and categories Firmware and Human -ware.
- Role of Information Technology in Governance.
5. Specialization Marks – 60
Units -6
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