Jkbose Announced 10th result 2023


The results of the JKBOSE 10TH examination are about to be released, therefore all of the students who took the test can wait there. The 10th graders recently finished their examination. And the outcome will be revealed in accordance with the divided zone.

The Jammu and Kashmir State Board of Schools made the decision to publish the results via a designated link on their main website. Students were forced to enter all the information that was needed or requested.

The outcome will be announced for each division. The declaration of the summer zone and the winter zone will take place at various periods. So, to find out the news, the student had to go to the official website. To check their outcomes, the students had to complete some of the instructions. You may find all the information you need about the JKBOSE exam and its JKBOSE result in this article.


You will learn all the significant and incidental details regarding the JKBOSE 10th result 2023 in this paragraph.

The JKBOSE 10th examination results will be posted on their official website. To pass the test, students had to receive the required minimum marks. Students have to show up for a reexamination if they did not receive that score.

Name of Examination BoardJammu and Kashmir Board  of
School Education
Class result that will be announced10th
Official website  https://jkbose.nic.in
Result declaration date
Essential details that are required in
the JKBOSE 10th Board
Roll number &  Student name
Mode of examination Offline
These are the essential details concerning the JKBOSE 10th result 2023 that every student should be aware of. The Jammu and Kashmir board’s 10th class results will be released online, despite the fact that the JKBOSE 10th examination was conducted using an offline approach.


Step 1 Student had to the official website, jkbose.ac.in.

Step 2: Next, select the Jammu and Kashmir Board 10th Result 2023 main menu item or website.

Step 3: Go to the result link after clicking on the main site, and then click on the SOFT ZONE RESULT 2023.

Step 4: After entering the roll number in the result area, click the submit button after selecting the result 2023.

Step 5: For reference or other purposes, take a screenshot of the Jkbose 10th outcome 2023.

Check result Via SMS

  • On their phone, the student had to launch the SMS app.
  • The message will then be sent to 5676750 after being typed into JKBOSE10(ROLL NUMBER).
  • As soon as the results are transmitted to the Jammu and Kashmir board, they inform the candidate of their 10th class results.

Class 10th Annual Results

Depending on the divided tasks, the Jammu and Kashmir state board of education announced the JKBOSE 10TH result 2023 twice a year. According to the zone the student appeared in the exam, they receive their results. However, the requirements for obtaining a 10th-class result from the Jammu and Kashmir board are the same in both divisions. To obtain their JKBOSE 10th result in 2023, the students have to complete the necessary processes.

Details Mentioned in JKBOSE Result

Below are the details that are included in the JKBOSE 10TH result for 2023:

  • Identity of the pupil
  • Student’s roll number
  • Student’s registration number
  • Date of birth Father’s name Mother’s name
  • Topics on which he’d appeared
  • Scores for each subject
  • A total score across all subjects.
  • A student’s qualifying status grade point.

10th Passing Criteria

In order to pass, the student had to receive a minimum of 33% in each of the following topics.

  • With the exception of the optional topics, the student received a 33% in each of the five major subjects.
  • In addition, the student earned a combined score of 33% in theory and practise.
  • The student would have to retake the test if they failed to comply.

Steps to Check Result

The student had to select a zone, input a roll number, and then view the JKBOSE 10th grade result for 2023. The procedures will be the same for each zone and all districts.

Official Website Link 1Click Here
Official Website Link 2Click Here

JKBOSE 12th Class Re-Evaluation

After releasing the intermediate results for the academic year 2022–2023, the Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education will begin the JKBOSE class 12 Result 2023 Re-evaluation. Students can seek for reevaluation through the application process if they are dissatisfied with their overall grades and marks.

In the first or second week of June 2023, the JKBOSE class 12 result 2023 re-evaluation will start. Following the completion of the re-evaluation, the JKBOSE will announce the re-evaluation results. The JKBOSE class 12 Result 2023 Re-evaluation result might be anticipated by students during the last week of May and the first week of June 2023.

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